What are you really eating?

There’s a lot of misconceptions out there about which foods are actually good for you. It seems the media constantly bombards us with messages about what to eat and why. But, do you really know what these foods are and what they do or don’t do for your body?

I would challenge you, if you want to get serious about improving your health, make your first step to start researching foods and their contents. Learn how to read food labels. Learn what ingredients do what and what things like macronutrients are. I’ll be sharing more on these things in posts to come, but for now, here’s a link to a great article introducing the idea of food swapping. It challenges the notion of certain popular foods that we think are good for us, and gives great replacements for them.

A great example from the article that I love, is granola. Granola is seen as a very healthy food a lot of times. But often, it has lots of added sugars, and are low in fiber. On the contrary, steel cut oats are very high in fiber and have no added sugars. They are also unprocessed, while granola many times are not.


Above is a popular brand of granola bar’s nutrition facts. As you can see, in the package of two bars, there is 11 grams of sugar.


Here are the nutrition facts for raw steel cut oats. Only 1 gram of sugar per serving, double the fiber and 30 less calories!

Again just one example. Here is the link to the article from Health Holistic Living. Let me know what you think!
